General Category > Chris Craft Stingers

trsiler tounge ration / percent

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I get a lot of variation for tongue weight. 

10%, 5-7%, etc

with a Stinger 260 what weight or ratio would be best?

I am looking at putting triple axles under my trailer (I would rather go dual, but I found a deal)

For the 260 you only need a dual axle.
Tongue weight is not determined by length but by where you set the boat for balance. On the tongue is a winch and stopper plate which should be movable.
Bunks are the best system, as I never trusted rollers. Bunks spread the weight more evenly and don't dent the hull like rollers over the long term.

Tongue weight should be considered for the type of hitch you have and the tow vehicle. It should ideally not exceed 750lbs and this is with a class III or class IV hitch. if you have a dually and run a class V "Titan" hitch - you have no issues.

Weight of a 260 does not need a tri-axle as the boat wety is only about 7500lbs. A tri axle is necessary for heavy boats starting at 9500 and up because each axle should hold approximately 2000lbs each.

If your bunks are set right for height and weight distribution, you can put the 260 on a dual axle and set the front for a mere 200lb tongue weight with ease.

I rolled the rig across the scales the day I bought it... the truck was on one pad the trailer on the other
the Boat/trailer popped at 8060 I believe it was.  Sadly I did not have time to cut it loose for a second weight

No fuel or extras onboard

With fuel I was counting on 10000 as a safety limit, not that is should ever weigh that. 

My 390x is only 9600 dry! How can a 260 which should only be 7150 weigh 10000?

I would double check that weigh ticket. It should get you truck and trailer separate weights, if not, go to any truck stop and weigh on a "CAT" scale. It will cost your $10.50 but will give you weight for each individual axle.

I will pull the ticket on it. 

I know the trailer is a bit more heavy than most...or I suspect.


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